Study finds health risks to well-pad neighbors

Study finds health risks to well-pad neighbors by John Colson, March 20, 2012, Post Independent
A new study warns of health risks from air pollution to those living within a half mile of gas drilling pads, particularly during the hydraulic fracturing phase. The study, known as a Human Health Risk Assessment, found that potentially toxic airborne chemicals have been detected while gas wells are being hydraulically fractured, or “fracked.” The substances included benzene, a known carcinogen, as well as ethylbenzene, toluene and xylene, all of which have been identified in connection with gas drilling activities…. According to the study, the heightened health risk corresponds to the relatively short period of time when a well is being fracked, when air pollution emissions hit high levels….Garfield County, she said, “did not financially support the scientific paper. We did this on our own. We feel the findings are significant, and we are scientists, and this is the way scientists communicate with each other.”

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