The orchestrated fraud & corporate welfare stench grows! Alberta municipalities abused by Petro-Pussy Premier Jason Kenney (Steve Harper/Koch Bros spawn?) to feed industry’s insatiable greed “now own what they voted for!”

Key Shields quotes:

The entire Alberta energy industry has been designed to cheat the Alberta public owners of petroleum wealth within the boundaries of our province!!

The answer is of course to disband the AER that are not and have not worked in the best interest of the Alberta owning public!!

Subject: Now Own What You Voted For!!
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2019 11:00:42 -0600
From: Stewart Shields email hidden; JavaScript is required
To: Alberta NDP email hidden; JavaScript is required, email hidden; JavaScript is required, goodale email hidden; JavaScript is required, email hidden; JavaScript is required, email hidden; JavaScript is required
CC: CommissionersOffice email hidden; JavaScript is required, Doreen Mueller email hidden; JavaScript is required, innisfail email hidden; JavaScript is required, Lacombe Ponoka email hidden; JavaScript is required, letters email hidden; JavaScript is required, Liberal Canada email hidden; JavaScript is required, Ministerial Unit email hidden; JavaScript is required, Ministre / Minister (EC) email hidden; JavaScript is required

The municipalities have a major problem that they must meet head on!! Perhaps they failed to realize when voting in the UCP Party—that leader Kenney is the perfect image of a “Petro Pussy”!

The entire Alberta energy industry has been designed to cheat the Alberta public owners of petroleum wealth within the boundaries of our province!!

Alberta energy companies have a union to offer them protection from adversaries and to influence governments into actions that will benefit the industry into even greater profits!! The owning public have never been allowed to have a knowledgeable group able to protect their public from having their resources stolen from them!!

The big problem with the success of the small natural gas producers—goes back to the Mulroney Conservatives deregulating natural gas prices that had been set right here in Canada by our Prime Minister!! We are fortunate to have had OPEC to keep some basic prices for Canadian oil or we would be much further in the hole!! Kenney is trying to convince Albertans that Notely and Trudeau are to blame for the disaster that turning the pricing of nature gas over to the American buyer has brought small producers!! Mulroney did not relish the bargaining the Prime Minister had to put up with from Lougheed —so surrendered that task to the sole importer of Canadian natural gas—the U.S. end user!!

Very Very bad management of Alberta’s public petroleum properties over 40 years of Conservative governments left Alberta with a environmental mess the AER estimated at $260 billion??

The AER [industry “regulating” itself] have asked the industry for a measly $60 million that won’t put a dint on the proper amount to handle their problem!! The basic industry idea is to kick the can down the road until there are too few energy companies left to handle their environmental debt then hand the problem over to the Public—Alberta—or Federal!! At present Alberta can not come close to lowering their petroleum pollution without the assistance of other more environmental conscious provinces!! Meanwhile our loud speaker Premier is threatening an audit on Equalization?? He may have Alberta along with it’s petro pollution problems that it can’t now afford!!

The answer is of course to disband the AER that are not and have not worked in the best interest of the Alberta owning public!!

Alberta should place their petroleum properties into the management of a professional Crown Corporation-that by law must report profit and losses to the owners every quarter!! Although the Alberta public are said to own the resource—we are indeed not shareholders-and are represented to our developers by a single Minister Of Energy—really!! Our Public bank had the same structure until it could no longer keep up to the daily scandals—now it is run as a Crown Corporation –to the dismay of the Alberta underground and Peter Puck!! Is is only one small example of what went wrong with Alberta’s public petroleum ownership!!

Stewart Shields

Rural municipalities stinging from oilpatch tax breaks are banding together, Rural municipalities concerned about provincial plan to cut taxes from shallow gas wells by Paul Cowley, July 24, 2019, Red Deer Advocate

Rural municipalities that could lose millions of dollars in tax revenues because of an oilpatch bailout plan are banding together.

Red Deer County has estimated the provincial government initiative could cost it $500,000 a year in lost taxes in coming years. Lacombe County puts its losses at $350,000.

Red Deer County Mayor Jim Wood has said the proposal amounts to provincial government downloading on to municipalities. [Of course! That’s always the Tory Way in Canada: give $billions in freebies to multibillion dollar profiting raping multinational energy companies; make the ordinary tiny money making citizen pay for the companies raping them and pay to clean up after the rapes. Canadians vote for being raped, over and over. Did these mayors vote for Kenney? Corporate rape enabler extraordinaire? Alberta refuses to learn.]

Wood said the government’s plan simply shifts the tax burden from the oil and gas sector to municipalities.

Red Deer County, with its strong commercial and industrial sectors, is better positioned to swallow the tax loss than other communities, he said. Other municipalities that are reliant on oil and gas industry tax revenues would be devastated by severe revenue cuts. [Time to quit supporting this polluting cry-baby industry and start supporting healthier and better job creating non raping industries]

Representatives from 15 municipalities were called to Edmonton last month and told about a government initiative to give shallow gas well producers a tax break by cutting their municipal taxes by one-third.

Lost tax revenues would be offset this year by corresponding cuts in the amount of school taxes rural municipalities must provide.

However, there has been no indication similar compensation will be coming next year.

The government has also indicated it intends to review how much the oil and gas industry is taxed by municipalities, a move that makes some local officials nervous that further revenue hits are coming. [Any and everyone voting for Kenney had to know this was coming! His nasty work while under Herr Harper made it clear what Alberta would be in for if they voted for him. Willful blindness appears to be addictive, or perhaps, it’s caused by oily genetics. By the time Kenney gets back to his beloved Ottawa, replacing Sheer, there will be just a dribble or two of spit left in toxic bled dry Alberta]

Lacombe County manager Tim Timmons said the province has said the reduction in shallow gas well taxes has been encouraged — but not mandated — by the province this year.

“Next year, and for future years, there is going to be a change in the assessment model to reflect that 35 per cent decrease,” said Timmons.

“In future years, it’s going to be a direct hit on municipalities that have those types of properties within their jurisdiction.” [They could have held their greed in check, years ago, and said “NO!”]

Lacombe County council discussed the implications of the provincial plan at its meeting last week and voted to host a meeting of municipalities affected.

Among the concerns raised by councillors is the precedent set by directly helping a struggling industry with municipal tax breaks.

“The biggest concern is you’re picking winners and losers. [That’s always the Tory Way in Canada! Read and remember a bit before you vote next time!] What you do for one industry, there may be an expectation that you do it for other industries, or other sectors within the same industry.

“Council’s biggest concern is they just didn’t feel that was appropriate.” [Welcome to the many harmed, kicked-in-the-gut innocent Albertans, abused over and over to feed profits for companies that take their billions made out of the province]

There have been plenty of examples of industries hit hard economically, such as the cattle industry when bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) was detected in 2003. Municipalities were not asked to slash cattle producers’ taxes then.

“It creates a little bit of a challenge for us, because where do you start and where do you stop?”

Rural Municipalities of Alberta president Al Kemmere said he spoke with Lacombe County and they decided the association would take the lead on setting up a meeting of the municipalities affected.

“We’re going to try and get a good understanding from each other of what the municipalities are looking at so we know that there can be a consistency in our approach,” said Kemmere.

“We’re waiting to get more information from the province first. They are supposed to be in the process of creating some guidelines and an application process.”

The meeting is likely to take place in late August.

Refer also to:

Stephen Hawking: Humankind is still greedy, stupid and greatest threat to Earth

2019 07 24: Suncor posts $2.73B income on Alberta tax recovery, higher oil output, That’s almost three times what it reported in the same period last year

Brilliant! MUST LISTEN! BNN Interviews Alberta Oil Patch Consultant Brent Nimeck on Lexin and AER’s Orphan Wells: “This problem is 30 years in the making. … I would call it a Ponzi Scheme…. This is an orchestrated fraud from multiple angles: Industry, CAPP and the Alberta Energy Regulator have enabled this to happen. … Through our independent analysis and we’ve confirmed this at multiple sources within the energy regulator, the liabilities are over $300 billion. That’s what’s on the hook for Alberta taxpayers right now – $300 billion.”

Where did Tory-Touted ‘Free Market’ Go? More theft by the oil & gas industry enabled by a politician? Premier Brad Wall begs Ottawa to make Canadians pay to clean up after billion dollar profiting oil & gas companies finish ravaging Saskatchewan

3rd most profitable industry in the world assembles crack team to ‘quietly’ seek more subsidies, loyal media cheers. Alberta’s Big Oil Bias: Billions in subsidies & lies for oil, gas, bitumen, frac’ing; $5 million for municipal solar, $0.5 million for farm solar, $0 for home solar, $0 for the many poisoned by oil & gas, $0 for families with frac health harms, 0$ for contaminated or lost water

“Unconscionable!” Diana Daunheimer on Rachel Notley’s NDP giving $50 Million from education taxes paid by Albertans to municipalities to cover oil & gas companies not paying their taxes (after years of massive profit taking)

Alberta: More corporate welfare stench! 65,000 shallow gas wells qualify to get more than $23M in freebies from taxpayers. Again, not a penny for Albertans suffering frac quake damages, drinking water loss/contamination, health harm, loss of livestock etc.

ALDP a Synergy Group? Mark Dorin synergizing for the AER? Study not needed of the 100s of billions of dollars in oilfield liabilities. Complete overhaul of petroleum ownership and its structure is needed, and to send AER, Synergy groups, CAPP, CSUR etc packing!

CAPP’s (under guise of Kenney) review of AER, and dictated deregulation to enhance profits for companies while walking from more responsibilities, on track?

And the scam goes on and on and on, decade after decade, across Canada: B.C. energy regulator faces possible $90-million tab for orphan wells (it’s going to cost much more than that)

Sputtering laughter! Watch the news clip! Jason Kenney’s corporate welfare war room launches $2.5M inquiry into magic land

Alberta’s Never Ending Corporate Welfare Will Bite You: Energy Relief will Cost Taxpayers, Front Page Red Deer Advocate

Federal clean-up won’t get it all, Need another (and another and another and another) $40 billion to remove contamination

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